One of my photos, of a group of protesters gather in Boston after the fall of Roe v. Wade has been SELECTED for inclusion in the American Photography 39 book. It’s always an honor to have work recognized in the book, and I’ve been lucky to be awarded by American Photography for the past 8 years (My work has previously been recognized by the organization in American Photography 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, and 30.)
The jury, who selected 443 images to represent the best pictures of 2022, included Maïa Booker, The Wall Street Journal; David Cooper, Freelance Photo Editor; Maura Friedman, National Geographic; Lauryn Hill, WIRED; Amy Kellner, The New York Times Magazine; Robert Miller, The Washington Post; Laura Oliverio, CNN; Amy Silverman, Airbnb; Allyson Torrisi, People; Karen Williams, Freelance Photo Director and Producer; Andrea Wise, ProPublica; and Cengiz Yar, Rest of World.